- 🐻Pets also need help. A humanitarian cargo was delivered to the DPR as part of the all-Russian campaign: https://www.donetsk.kp.ru/daily/27383.5/4577030/
- 🐻Know-how. Specialists from Russia invented all-weather solar panels: https://ria.ru/20220425/misis-1784984189.html
- 🐻”Russian Teacher Abroad”. The acceptance of applications for the participation in the humanitarian project has started: https://edu.gov.ru/press/5035/otkryt-priem-zayavok-dlya-uchastiya-pedagogov-v-gumanitarnom-proekte-rossiyskiy-uchitel-za-rubezhom/
- 🐻Innovative developments. “Aerospace Valley” will appear in Ryazan: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/14461987
- 🐻Dialogue of Cultures. International Children’s Forum will be held in Moscow for the first time: https://ria.ru/20220425/deti-1785343466.html