2016-2017学年外国公民申请俄罗斯北方极地联邦大学硕士研究生奖学金名额 Northern (Arctic) Federal University

俄罗斯罗蒙诺索夫北方极地联邦大学 (俄罗斯阿尔汉格尔斯克,、www.narfu.ru) 是俄罗斯西北地区的一个大型科研教育中心,是俄罗斯北极地区的重点大学,被列入俄罗斯宪章和亚欧大学联合会大学名单。







今天俄罗斯北方极地联邦大学的3所分校、15 个学院一共培养了超过17000名毕业生,其中包括来自52个国家的公民,比如中国、欧洲、亚洲、非洲、北美与南美。学校有28个教学楼、2个配置了科研设备的现代化综合科研中心、18个科教与创新技术中心、25个大型实验室、1个科技图书馆,开展科研教育活动。



北方极地联邦大学由衷 的希望外国学生能够成功申请俄罗斯政府奖学金的名额。本次奖学金提供学费和部分住宿费。可申请专业如下:



Ø  英语授课研究生专业如下:

—      北极开发与环保风险;

—      欧洲学习:北极聚焦;

—      对外教学理论与巴伦支海欧洲北极及其他地区跨文化交流;

—      极地世界历史与文化: 相对性调查

硕士研究生短期研修班(英语授课) —      分散材料表面状态下复合材料形成的过程管理

—       GIS原则与远距离感知

—      材料科学HPC的应用

—      数学实验模式之基础查询的理论与实践

—      北极文化

—      世界史/当代史

—      欧洲国家与俄罗斯: 政治与文化交流史

—      Integrative Translation Studies

—      语言运用与商务语言翻译

—      社会学: 相对性


国际班(针对研究生) Ø 俄语文化秋令营(2016.930-2016.12))

Ø 《北极委员会》模拟训练营(2016.9.18-2016.9.23)

详情: http://narfu.ru/en/studies/

E-mail: international@narfu.ru,

Facebook: Northern Arctic Federal University – International office



今天俄罗斯北方极地联邦大学的3所分校、15 个学院一共培养了超过17000名毕业生,其中包括来自52个国家的公民,比如中国、欧洲、亚洲、非洲、北美与南美。学校有28个教学楼、2个配置了科研设备的现代化综合科研中心、18个科教与创新技术中心、25个大型实验室、1个科技图书馆,开展科研教育活动。

北方极地联邦大学由衷 的希望外国学生能够成功申请俄罗斯政府奖学金的名额。本次奖学金提供学费和部分住宿费。可申请专业如下:



Ø  英语授课研究生专业如下:

—      北极开发与环保风险;

—      欧洲学习:北极聚焦;

—      对外教学理论与巴伦支海欧洲北极及其他地区跨文化交流;

—      极地世界历史与文化: 相对性调查

硕士研究生短期研修班(英语授课) —      分散材料表面状态下复合材料形成的过程管理

—       GIS原则与远距离感知

—      材料科学HPC的应用

—      数学实验模式之基础查询的理论与实践

—      北极文化

—      世界史/当代史

—      欧洲国家与俄罗斯: 政治与文化交流史

—      Integrative Translation Studies

—      语言运用与商务语言翻译

—      社会学: 相对性


国际班(针对研究生) Ø 俄语文化秋令营(2016.930-2016.12))

Ø 《北极委员会》模拟训练营(2016.9.18-2016.9.23)

详情: http://narfu.ru/en/studies/

E-mail: international@narfu.ru,

Facebook: Northern Arctic Federal University – International office


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, located in Arkhangelsk, is one of the North-West Russia’s largest research and training center, a member of the Magna Charta Universitatum, Association of Russian leading Universities and Eurasian University Association.
Being one of Russia’s 10 federal universities, NArFU fosters innovation and trains specialists for the Arctic and High North resource development. NArFU is the only Russian university being tasked with training experts of international level in areas such as engineering, technology, IT, humanities and life sciences with a special focus on the Arctic region. NArFU provides international students with high- quality education, academic mobility programs, international projects and internships, advanced research infrastructure and great opportunities for social life activities.
NArFU graduates are employed at the largest Russian and international companies specializing in offshore oil and gas projects, shipbuilding, construction, energy, timber processing, environmental protection and IT. The University also has long-standing academic traditions in training specialists in linguistics, intercultural communication, journalism, law, international relations, psychology and pedagogics.
NArFU’s 15 institutes currently have more than 17 000 students coming from Russia and 52 countries in South-East Asia, Europe, North and South America, CIS countries. Every year more than 400 our students join international exchange programs and undertake internships in partner universities all over the world.
International students are welcome to take a wide range of NArFU educational programs supported by Quota Scholarship Program:

English-taught Master programs, including:
Environmental Risks Management in the Arctic;
European Studies: Arctic Focus;
History and Culture of the Circumpolar World: comparative research
Foreign Language Acquisition and Teaching and others.

Process management of construction composite quality formation given the state of the dispersive materials’ surface
Principles of GIS and Remote Sensing
Using HPC in material science
Experimental Mathematics Style in Theory and Practice of Inquiry-based Learning
Cultural dimension of the Arctic
World History /Contemporary History
EU countries and Russia: history of political and cultural communication
Integrative Translation Studies
Communication Management and Translation in Business Communication
Sociolinguistics: Comparative Aspect

International School
Autumn School of Russian Language and Culture
Model Arctic Council (MAC)
Degree Programs
Internships on Master- and PhD level (English-taught)
For more information please refer to NArFU Web-site http: //narfu. ru/en/studies/ or contact NArFU International Office:

E-mail: international@narfu.ru, Skype: narfu_international
Facebook: NArFU – International Office
Tel: 007 (8182) 216 196