REGULATIONS of the IV Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest


The IV Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest is scheduled for 22th and 23th October 2016 at the stages of

the Vegas City Hall concert hall, the I round (elimination), address:                12 Mezhdunarodnaya Str., Krasnogorsk, the Krasnogorsk district, the Moscow Region 143402, and

the Crocus City Hall, II round (final), address: 20 Mezhdunarodnaya Str., Krasnogorsk, the Krasnogorsk district, the Moscow Region 143402.

The Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest is organized by the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultiral Heritage Fund (INN 5024111774, OGRN 1105000001810).

The Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest (hereinafter “the Contest”) is a festival of vocalists capable of demonstrating their skill of both classic and pop vocal performance. The Contest is open for professional singers, men and women from 20 to 35, alumni of specialized music education institutions or undergraduates of musical institutes and colleges. Potential participants should file application, video and documents specified in clause 1.1 hereof to the Organizing Committee.

Following the results of preliminary audition and qualification the Organizing Committee of the contest selects up to 15 artists and invites them to take part in the Moscow Contest.

Leading principal opera singers, stars of popular music, music theatre conductors and stage directors and representatives of international production companies are invited to join the jury panel of the IV Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest.

The Contest consists of two rounds and has coverage on Russian and foreign TV/mass media.

The Contest is held at the stages of the Vegas City Hall, I round (elimination) and the Crocus City Hall, II round (final) with the support of a symphony orchestra. Every Contest performance must consist of live vocals and symphonic background. No sound records are allowed.

The final of the contest is structured similarly to grand show.

Terms and Conditions of the Contest

  1. Filing of Applications

1.1. Each participant sends and the Organizing Committee receives on or before 20 April 2016 the following documents:

— application form filled in Russian or English (see the form below);

— DVD video (formatted in AVI) of a couple of classic academic vocals and a couple of pop songs recorded on or after October 2014;

— photocopy of passport;

— photocopy of music arts diploma or certificate of student status;

— biographical background (up to 1500 symbols);

— photographs (electronic version: 300 dpi and 2 Mb at least).

1.2. The required documents and video specified in clause 1.1 hereof must be sent to the Organizing Committee by express mail delivery service (DHL, Fed Ex, EMS etc.) to the following address: 8 Mezhdunarodnaya Str., Krasnogorsk, the Krasnogorsk district (the Crocus City Mall, main reception).

1.3. The Contest participants are selected by an external contest committee.

1.4. Every eligible Contest participant obtains an invitation, specifying the date of arrival to the Contest, from the Organizing Committee on or before 20 June 2016.

  1. The Contest Procedure.

2.1. Every eligible participant may have two orchestra supported rehearsals.

2.2. The Contest performance is public and orchestra supported. Every piece of music must be performed by heart on original language and in one round only.

2.3. Order of performance is determined the day before Round 1 by port allocation. The Round 2 order of performance is based on sequence of places (from the first to the last) taken on the first day.

2.4. The Contest timetable:

22 October 2016. Round 1 (elimination) that includes two sessions. Participants perform classic and pop pieces. Each performance of first and second session is publicly rated by jury panel from one to ten. Participants are placed in accordance to their total rates following the results of the first Contest day.

23 October 2016 Round 2 (final) is dedicated to the memory of Muslim Magomaev. Participants appear according to their places taken on the first day (see clause 2.3 of the Regulations). Two pieces shall be performed: the first session (classics) and the second pop session (pieces from M. Magomaev’s repertoire).

2.5. Each member of jury panel of the Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest has one vote at every poll. The members of jury panel must rate a participant publicly from 1 to 10 after his/her performance. The jury panel chairman may give one additional point to every participant.

Each round is evaluated individually. Points obtained in Round 1 and Round 2 are not summed up. Winners (places from 1st to 3rd and the Grand Prix) are determined according to the results of the second round. Where two or more participants obtain equal result, the jury panel determines the order of places by common resolution after consultation.

2.6. A solemn awarding procedure is conducted at the end of the second day.

2.7. All participants must take part in gala concert to be held shortly after the contest free of charge.

2.8. Mandatory conditions of the Contest as follows:

participants and members of jury panel give their consent to audio and video recording of the Contest by the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund and/or mass media, including broadcast on radio/TV of either live Contest or any audiovisual works based on the Contest record or future distribution of the Contest record/audiovisual works on any storage devices or any other usage of the Contest record, providing no payment to participants or members of jury panel.

participants agree that the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund is exclusively entitled to make with third persons any contracts on engagement of participants in any special projects relating to the Contest.

  1. Prizes and Awards

3.1. The Organizing Committee of the Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest announces the following prizes:

Grand Prix – USD 30 000 and award winner title;

1st prize – Gold Medal, USD 25 000 and award winner title;

2nd prize – Silver Medal, USD 15 000 and award winner title;

3rd prize – Bronze Medal, USD 10 000 and award winner title.

3.2. Money prizes are paid in rubles according to the exchange rate established by the Central Bank of Russia on the date of payment subject to deduction of taxes under applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Depending on results of participants and within the total prize amount specified in clause 3.1 hereof jury panel may:

— award only some prizes;

— share prizes among participants.

3.4. Decisions of jury panel are final and not subject to revision.

3.5. Governmental and noncommercial organizations, associations of creative professionals, mass media, institutions and companies may establish special and additional prizes upon approval of the Organizing Committee and jury panel.

  1. The Program of the Contest

Round I (elimination):

а) aria from any opera, cantata or oratorio of Russian or West European composers selected by a participant;

  1. b) popular pop song selected by a participant (premiere performance allowed).

Round II (final):

а) any arias from operas, cantatas or oratorios by West European or Russian composers selected by participants;

  1. b) pop song from Muslim Magomaev’s repertoire (any aria from western musicals or popular pieces of foreign authors) (the following link is available:


  1. a) any performance during each round shall not exceed 10 minutes;
  2. b) every piece must be performed by heart on original language;
  3. c) every single piece may be performed during one round only;
  4. d) vocal parts from any opera, cantata or oratorio written for a specific type of voice must be performed in original scale only;
  5. e) eligible participant of the Contest must provide, if required by the Organizing Committee, the orchestral score and voice data of his/her selected pieces.
  1. Organizational and Financial Conditions of the Contest

5.1. The Organizing Committee will pay travel and accommodation expenses of participants related to participation in the Contest during their stay in Moscow (economy class travel to Moscow and back, hotel).

5.2. Having obtained the Contest invitation, every eligible foreign participant shall procure a visa himself by application to the consular organizations of the Russian Federation. Visa shall be valid from 19th to 25th October 2016.                                                      

ЗАЯВКА НА УЧАСТИЕ / APPLICATION FORM                                                                                                         IV Международный конкурс вокалистов имени М.Магомаева                                                         IV Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest                                                                                (Просьба заполнить заявку разборчиво / Please fill in block letters)

Все документы должны быть отправлены экспресс-почтой (DHL, Fed Ex, EMS или др.) или доставлены лично не позднее 20 апреля 2016 года.                                                    (All documents must be sent by express mail delivery service only (DHL, Fed Ex, EMS etc.) and delivered no later than 20 April 2016


______________________________________________________________________Фамилия, имя, пол (Last name, first name, gender)

______________________________________________________________________Дата и место рождения (Date and place of birth)

______________________________________________________________________Гражданство по паспорту (Citizenship according to passport)

______________________________________________________________________Постоянный адрес (Permanent address)

______________________________________________________________________Телефон (мобильный, домашний), e-mail (Tel., Cell, e-mail)

______________________________________________________________________Место работы или учёбы (Name of present employer or education institution)

______________________________________________________________________Какое учебное заведение окончено (Education (please specify name of education institution)

______________________________________________________________________Участие в конкурсах, награды (Participation in competitions, awards)

______________________________________________________________________Родной язык (Native language)


Прошу принять меня в число участников IV Международного конкурса вокалистов имени М.Магомаева. С условиями и программой конкурса согласен и обязуюсь их выполнять.

(Please accept me for participation in the IV Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest.  I agree and accept terms and programme of the Contest)


_____________________________________________________________________   Подпись (Signature)                                                              Дата (Date)


Я предлагаю для согласования с Оргкомитетом следующую конкурсную программу:

I shall perform the following programme upon approval by the Organizing Committee:



Ария из оперы: название оперы, фамилия и имя композитора и автора либретто / Aria from the opera: name of the opera, full (first and last) names of the composer and librettos’ author 1.____________________________________________________________________






Эстрадная песня: название, фамилия и имя композитора и автора слов (Pop song: name of the song, full (first and last) names of the composer and lyricist’s).








Ария из оперы: название оперы, фамилия и имя композитора  и автора либретто / Aria from the opera: name of the opera, full (first and last) names of the composer and librettos’ author 1.____________________________________________________________________






Эстрадная песня или Неаполитанская песня из репертуара М.Магомаева (можно ознакомиться на сайте М.Магомаева ( / Pop song or Neapolitan song from M. Magomayev’s repertoire  ( (name of the song, full (first and last) names of the composer and lyricist’s.








______________________________________________________________________Подпись (Signature)                                                                                       Дата (Date)