北京国际图书展览会 2016 北京国际图书展览会 2016 2016 Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF), Beijing, China


莫斯科市政府出版规划自1993年开始实行. 这是莫斯科媒体广告总局的主要社会项目。从1993年起,900多种新版图书按照莫斯科市政府出版规划获市政府资助。按照本规划,每年有15万册新书被送到城市学校和公共图使馆。从1999年起,莫斯科市政府出版规划在200多个全国性、地区性书展和国际图书展览会举行展览.



  • 莫斯科历史和名胜古迹;
  • 莫斯科对文学、美术、建筑艺术的影响;
  • 当今莫斯科:莫斯科人,莫斯科事实和事件;游览图,城市图集,百科全书;
  • 莫斯科名人传记,关于莫斯科的回忆录,莫斯科有名家族的历史;
  • 在纪念日出版的图书,包括有关伟大卫国战争的,保卫祖国的书;
  • 介绍莫斯科生活和历史的宗教教育文学;
  • 少年儿童文学;

近年来有几十部被莫斯科媒体广告总局推荐的莫斯科市政府出版规划出版书籍获得“年度最佳图书奖”、“祖国奖”(俄罗斯联邦新闻出版与大众传媒署)和“当年最优秀图书奖” (俄罗斯出版商协会).

An important area of the social policy of the Moscow City Government, implemented by the Department of Mass Media and Advertising of the City of Moscow, is the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values through the development of interest in reading and particularly reading books, especially among young people. Department provides grants and grants for publishing and information projects dedicated to the city of Moscow, representing the diversity of cultural, scientific and social life of the capital and contributing to the preservation of national heritage, the continuation of the best traditions and to ensure the continuity of generations.

The Publishing Program of the Moscow City Government exists since 1993. This is one of the most significant and socially important projects of the Department of Mass Media and Advertising. More than 900 titles were published since 1993 with the support of the city budget. Every year about 150 thousand copies of books published in the framework of the Program are sent to schools and city public libraries. Since 1999 the Publishing Program of the Moscow City Government has been presented at more than 200 national, international and regional book fairs.

Supporting book publishing activities, the Moscow City Government in the first place pays attention to the publication of the books, which does not pursue the issue solely commercial purposes. The exhibited publications main goal is spiritual and moral. That is why it is a historical, patriotic, fiction for children and youth, books and multimedia products of the hometown, books of the heroic events in the life of the country, about exploits and achievements of its best representatives, and the entire nation.

The Publishing Program of the Moscow City Government defines the following themes:

  • The history of Moscow, historical and memorable places of the capital;
  • Moscow in literature, art and architecture;
  • Modern Moscow: people, facts and events; guides, books, albums and encyclopedias;
  • The life of the famous Muscovites, recollections about Moscow and the fate of the famous Moscow dynasties;
  • Publications to the anniversaries and memorable dates and events, including the military-patriotic literature, related to the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945, other periods of manifestation of valor in the defense of the motherland;.
  • Religious and educational literature in the life and history of Moscow;
  • Publications for children and adolescents, literature for family reading.

In recent years, dozens of books were issued under the Publishing Program of the Moscow City Government. Some books, that were recommended by the Department of Mass Media and Advertising for the annual competitions “Book of the Year” and “Little Homeland”, conducted by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, become laureates and diploma winners. Some become winners of the competition “Best Books of the Year “, organized by the Publishers Association of Russia (PAR).