- Language marathon. North-Caucasus Federal University launched an action to promote the Russian language around the world: https://rg.ru/2022/06/22/reg-skfo/skfu-zapustil-marafon-mama-russkij-ia-liubliu.html
- Domestic developments. An international industrial exhibition is being held in Yekaterinburg: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5446162
- Books as a gift. In Russia, schoolchildren collect literature for children from the DPR and LPR: https://edu.gov.ru/press/5407/minprosvescheniya-rossii-i-rdsh-zapuskayut-federalnuyu-akciyu-deti-detyam/
- Educational project. Students from 12 countries are studying at the “School of Innopractics and Russian Seasons”: https://tass.ru/kultura/15121189
- Brevity and conciseness. Become the author of the best slogan for the Geographical dictation of the Russian Geographical Society: https://www.rgo.ru/ru/article/stan-avtorom-deviza-geograficheskogo-diktanta