Kuban State Agrarian University

Kuban State Agrarian University is one of the recognized leaders in higher agricultural education in Russia and has a long history of training foreign students. Since I960 about 10 thousand students from Vietnam, India, Angola, Morocco and other countries graduated from the university.

As the largest university in the South of Russia, it occupies 174 hectares in the city of Krasnodar, the region of the Winter Olympic Games «Sochi — 2014», located near the Black and Azov seas. The University campus has 20 dormitories, which are able to accommodate 9,500 people and 20 academic buildings and laboratories where more than 19 thousand students can study comfortably.

Warm climate and beautiful nature of the Krasnodar region, developed infrastructure and high level of education at reasonable prices attracts students from all over the world to study at Kuban State Agrarian University. The University also has a unique natural recreational complex at the Black Sea coast.

In accordance with the Bologna Process requirements and the European standards the University has a two-level education system, which includes full-time and extramural studies.

The educational process is carried out by 1300 professors, including 7 academics, 4 corresponding members; more than 260 professors has a degree of doctor of sciences, 660 are associate professors and have a post-doctorate degree. More than 22 thousand students study at 22 faculties and 84 departments in 76 scientific fields.

Since 2013 the Preparatory Faculty for foreign students has resumed its work. It aims at providing international students with Russian language courses and gives them an opportunity to prepare for the entrance exams necessary for the admission. High qualification of the Russian language professors allowed them to develop a special learning technique which has already proved to be effective. The professionalism of the faculty members in short time helps new students to adapt to the Russian culture.

With the aim to promote export of the Kuban State Agrarian University educational services in the Republic of China based on the Agreement with your Representative office, we would like to request your assistance in informing interested applicants about the admission of foreign students to study at the FSBEI HPE «Kuban State Agrarian University» (at the expense of budget means or under contracts with payment of training costs), on major programs (Bachelor, Master,Doctorate degrees) and the Russian language programs for foreign students of the Preparatory Faculty.

In order to obtain more information about the University activities, please follow the links below:

-KubSAU presentation film http://youtu.befeZn6eQuZ2EQ;

-Official website of KubSAU http://www.kubsau.ru/

-Official website of KubSAU (Engslish version) http://kubsau.ru/en/

For further information and cooperation please contact:

Kolesnikova Irina Petrovna the head of the preparatory department for foreign citizens, 88612215268, podfak,kubsau(cp,yandex.ru, iraecology@mail.ru