LeagueoftheBest – Kyrgyzstan
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.
The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.
Taalaybek Usubaliev is a well―known Kyrgyz artist, chairman of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan. In 1993, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, today it is the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Repin – the oldest and largest art educational institution in Russia. Like many painters, Taalaybek believes that the real academic school has been preserved here. How the fate of our hero turned out after studying in Russia ― watch the video.